'ello Dave
JavaScript by day, Judas Priest by night
I've been pushing Shopify to its limits since 2018. Whilst leading the front end for the first ticketing site on the platform, my eyes were opened to just how flexible Shopify can be and how far it can be pushed.
Since then I've also become passionate about sharing my knowledge with others through my blog, and have been enjoying creating tools to help my team and others deliver high-quality, maintainable Shopify builds, such as my Liquid Schema Plugin, the all-in-one Theme Packer toolset, and Translate, which helps developers use their Shopify translations in JavaScript.
Stranger in a Strange Land
Having temporarily tired of the beauty of Yorkshire, I ventured over to Preston to study Web Design and Development at UCLan in 2015. It was there that my passion for Web Development was born.
During my studies I took part in the BBC, Barclays & Bank of America Technology Challenge, where my team was tasked with prototyping a more user-focused BBC Sport homepage. We achieved 2nd place with our "BBC Your Sport" solution. A few months later a piece of my work got me on the shortlist for a Big Chip Award. The project in question was a crowdsourcing app named "Baker's Dozen". Finally, after 3 years of blood, sweat and tears, my hard work paid off. I graduated with a 1st on my degree and won the Student of the Year award.
UCLan? Completed it mate.
Since finishing my studies at UCLan I moved back to East Yorkshire and landed on the digital team of a Shopify Plus Partner. Ever since then I've been mastering Front End, where I am particularly interested in project maintainability and flexibility, and building tools in Node for any solutions that can be automated.
Living after midnight, rocking to the dawn
When I'm not banging my head against my monitor, swearing at Javascript until it agrees to work; I can usually be found at a gig, trying to determine the speed at which my head would have to travel to detach itself from my body. As of yet results have been inconclusive; more data needs to be recorded.